More efficient planning and installation with plug-in presence and motion detectors

The pressure on planning offices and electrical installers in terms of construction times for functional buildings is growing. There is also less and less time available for planning and installing presence and motion detectors. But how can installation times be reduced without compromising on quality and customer satisfaction? Plug-in detectors instead of conventional wiring offer a particularly efficient solution here.

Theben now offers you a wide range of pre-assembled, plug-in presence and motion detectors. This significantly reduces the tight installation times on site. Instead of having to connect each detector individually to the wiring, the devices are simply connected via Plug & Play. The advantages are obvious:

  • Faster installation: Thanks to pre-assembled connections, plug-in detectors can be installed in no time at all.
  • Fewer errors: The colour coding makes connection errors virtually impossible and troubleshooting during commissioning unnecessary.
  • More flexibility: If, for example, the room layout in an open-plan office changes and the detectors need to be repositioned, this can be done much more quickly than before.
  • No skilled labour required: Thanks to pre-assembled connections, plug-in detectors can be installed in next to no time.

To realise our pluggable detector portfolio, we rely exclusively on leading suppliers with decades of experience worldwide. Theben uses the WAGO WINSTA MIDI plug-in connector system and the GESIS plug-in connection technology from Wieland. In this way, the highest demands on quality and flexibility can be realised efficiently and reliably for every application.

All Theben presence detectors and motion detectors with WAGO WINSTA

All Theben presence detectors and motion detectors with Wieland GESIS